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Hall 14 — Insects [position]Hall 16 — PlantsHall 15 — Non-insect invertebratesHall 14 — Insects [position]Halls 10, 11, 12, 13 — MammalsHall 7 — FishesHall 9 — PalaeontologyHall 8 — BirdsHall 6 — Amphibians and reptilesHall 5 — BirdsHall 3 — Temporary exhibitionsHall 4 — Mineralogy [Genesis of the minerals]Hall 1 — Mineralogy [Systematics of minerals]

Exhibitions — Hall 14 — Insects

The exhibition of insects is situated in a large hall (ca. 260 sq. m) of the last (4-th) museum’s floor. It contains 504 boxes arranged in 14 show-cases. With a few exceptions, the arrangement is after systematic order. Included are most of the insect’s orders, prevailing attention being paid to the largest ones — Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Orthoptera, etc.

A part of the boxes are made as biological units showing elements of development, habitats, behaviour, trophic relations, pests and damage-doers, etc., usually accompanied by explanatory texts. Exhibited are both species of the Bulgarian and the adjacent Balkan entomofauna, and specimens from various parts of the world — the Tropics (butterflies, beetles), Central Europe, Nigeria, Indonesia, The Himalayas, New Guinea, Lapland, etc.

One show-case is devoted to the entomofauna of the Bulgarian caves and other protected insects. Several wall posters illustrate some general moments within the world of insects — their relative part in the animal kingdom, the ratios between the larger orders, the mechanisms of flying and walking, the hydroentomocoenose in freshwater ecosystems, etc.