Daskalova, G., Shurulinkov, P., Klisurov, I., Angelov, I., Demerdzhiev, D., Petrov, R., 2024. Observations on the behavior of the saker falcon (Falco cherrug) breeding in Bulgaria. — Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa”, 67 (1): 153—165. [PDF]
Angelov, I., Ragyov, D., Stoyanov, G., Koychev, V., Tonchev, B., Shurulinkov, P., Demerdzhiev, D., Stoynov, E., Dimchev, I., Gradinarov, D., Hristov, H., Dobrev, D., Arkumarev, V., Vassilev, V., Klisurov, I., Dobrev, V., Kurtev, M., Yotsova, T., Daskalova, G., Nikolov, B., Stoychev, S., Profirov, L., Iankov, P., Petrov, T., 2024. Status of the Golden Eagle in Bulgaria. — In: Bautista-Rodríguez, J., Ellis, D. H. (eds). The Golden Eagle around the world. Hancock House Publishers.
Shurulinkov, P., Tsonev, R., Daskalova, G., Tzvetkov, P., Gradinarov, Z., 2022. Mass winter movements of Yelkouan Shearwaters (Puffinus yelkouan) along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. — ZooNotes 200: 1—3.
Gerdzhikov, G., Plachiyski, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Avramov, S., Demerdzhiev, D., Daskalova, G., Shurulinkov, P., 2022. White-backed (Lilford’s) Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi Sharpe & Dresser, 1871: Distribution and Population Density in Bulgaria. — North-Western Journal of Zoology 18 (1): 65—70. Article No.: e211601. [PDF]
Shurulinkov, P., Ralev, A., Tzvetkov, P., Valchev, K., Daskalova, G., Arangelov, S., Kolchagov, R., Hristov, I., Dimov, P., 2021. Endangered birds of old growth forests in the Pirin National Park, SW Bulgaria: habitat preferrences, distribution and population sizes in 2001—2019. — Tichodroma 33: 1—20. doi:10.31577/tichodroma.2021.33.2
Shurulinkov, P., Bergkamp, P., Aleksandrov, N., Simeonov, P., Ralev, A., Tsvetkov, P., Popov, K., Daskalova, G., Dimitrova, K., Hristov, K., Hristov, I., Gradinarov, J., Tonev, I., Hotinov, B., Dimitrov, D. A., Ottensman, M., Rinaud, T., Chakarov, N., 2021. Vagrant species of birds captured at Durankulak ringing camp, NE Bulgaria, 2019—2020. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 42: 89—94. doi:10.48027/hnb.42.121
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Popov, K, Dalakchieva, S.,Tsonev, R., Dimchev, I., Ralev, A., 2020. Recent changes in the presence status and numbers of ruddy shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) in the Eastern Balkans. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 41: 41—49. doi:10.48027/hnb.41.06001
Даскалова, Г., Шурулинков, П., Ангелов, И., Петров, П., 2020. Птиците на Тунджанската хълмиста низина. — Globe Edit, 400 стр.
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Cheshmedzhiev, S., Kirov, K., Koev, V., Dinkov, H., Hristov, I., Nikolov, I., Mihov, S., Kutsarov, Y., 2019. Heron and cormorant colonies along the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube River: Status and Trends 2010—2014. — In: Shurulinkov, P. et al. (eds) Biodiversity of the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Lower Danube. Nova Publishers, New York, pp. 315—340.
Shurulinkov, P., Cheshmedzhiev, S., Daskalova, G., Dinkov, H., Kirov, K., Hristov, I., Kutsarov, Y., Koev, V., Mihov, S., 2019. Recent data on the distribution and numbers of the water birds in the wetlands along the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube River. — In: Shurulinkov, P. et al. (eds) Biodiversity of the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Lower Danube. Nova Publishers, New York, pp. 341—374.
Cheshmedzhiev, S., Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., 2019. Status and distribution of diurnal birds of prey and the Black Stork along the Bulgarian section of the Danube River. — In: Shurulinkov, P. et al. (eds) Biodiversity of the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Lower Danube. Nova Publishers, New York, pp. 375—398.
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Kirov, D., Borisov, B., Spasov, L., Ralev, A., Stoev, I., Mechev, A., 2018. Avifauna of Bulgarka Nature Park with distribution, population size and breeding density data for the species of conservation importance. — Forestry Ideas 24, 1 (55): 3—22 [PDF]
Georgiev, K., Thorn, S., Zlatanov, T., Nikolov, B., Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Gottschalk, S., 2018. Evaluating the importance of managed forests as habitat for the Semi-collared Flycatcher (Ficedula semitorquata). — Forest Ecology and Management, 419—420: 123—129. [PDF]
Daskalova, G., Shurulinkov, P., 2018. Characteristics of the hunting behavior of the Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) in South-Eastern Bulgaria. — Zoonotes, 125: 1—4. [PDF]
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Michov, S., Koev, V., 2016. The distribution, numbers, and breeding of terns and waders on the sand islands along the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube. — North-Western Journal of Zoology, 12 (1): 65—77. [PDF]
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Avramov, S., Plachiyski, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Gerdzhikov, G., Angelova, K., 2016. Action plan for the Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) in Bulgaria (2016—2025). — Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, Sofia, 57 pp.
Daskalova, G., Shurulinkov, P., Stoyanov, G. P., Borisov, B., 2016. Observations of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Bulgaria during the period of post-breeding dispersal. — Slovak Raptor Journal. doi:10.1515/srj-2016-0001 [PDF]
Todorov, E., Daskalova, G., Shurulinkov, P., 2015. Current breeding distribution and conservation of White-tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla (L.) in Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 67 (1): 3—10. [PDF]
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Avramov, S., Plachiyski, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Gerdzhikov, G., Angelova, K., 2015. Action plan for the White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) in Bulgaria (2016—2025). — Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, Sofia, 73 pp.
Daskalova, G., Shurulinkov, P., 2015. Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus). — Acrocephalus, 36 (164/165): 93—94.
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Tzonev, R., 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 65 (2): 207—215.
Shurulinkov, P., Stoyanov, G., Komitov, E., Daskalova, G., Ralev, A., 2012. Contribution to the knowledge on distribution, number and habitat preferences of rare and endangered birds in Western Rhodopes Mts Southern Bulgaria. Strigiformes and Piciformes. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 64 (1): 43—56.
Shurulinkov, P., Chakarov, N., Daskalova, G., 2012. Blood parasites, body condition and wing length in two subspecies of Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava) during migration. — Parasitology Research, (online first, 25.01.2012). doi:10.1007/s00436-011-2733-5
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Chakarov, N., Hristov, K., Dyulgerova, S., Gocheva, Y., Cheshmedzhiev, S., Madzharov, M., Dimchev, I., 2011. Characteristics of soaring birds’ spring migration over inland SE Bulgaria. — Acrocephalus, 32 (148/149): 29—43.
Ruzic, M., Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Ralev, A., Spasov, L., Popovic, M., 2011. Semi-collared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata — a new breeding species in Serbia. — Ciconia, 20: 72—76.
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Ralev, A., Elenkova, V., 2010. New data on the breeding of White-winged Tern (Chlidonias leucoptera) in Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 62 (3): 301—306. [PDF]
Daskalova, G., Shurulinkov, P., 2010. Neues zur Brutvogelfauna des Tserkovski Reservoirs in Sudost-Bugarien. — Ornithologishe Mitteilungen, 62 (12): 408—412.
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Hristov, I., Ilieva, M., Pankova, R., Day, J., 2008. Contribution to the knowledge on the breeding ornithofauna of Eastern Turkey. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 60 (2): 125—133.
Shurulinkov, P., Ralev, A., Daskalova, G., Chakarov, N., 2007. Distribution, numbers and habitat of Pigmy Owl, Glaucidium passerinum in Rhodopes Mts (S-Bulgaria). — Acrocephalus, 28 (135): 161—165. [PDF]
Shurulinkov, P., Nikolov, I., Demerdzhiev, D., Bedev, K., Dinkov, H., Daskalova, G., Stoychev, S., Hristov, I., Ralev, A., 2007. Die aktuelle Brutverbreitung und die Bestande koloniebrutender Reiher und Kormorane in Bulgarien. — Ornithologishe Mitteilungen, 59 (11): 370—378. [PDF]
Shurulinkov, P., Nikolov, I., Daskalova, G., Nikolov, B., Stoyanov, G., 2007. Further range expansion of the Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina in Bulgaria. — Ciconia, 16: 49—56. [PDF]
Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., 2007. Ruckkehr des Seeadlers Haliaeetus albicilla als Brutvogel nach Bulgarisch-Thrazien — Erste Brut am Tunja-Flub nach 1942. — Ornithologishe Mitteilungen, 59 (10): 330—332.
Nikolov, B., Nikolov, I., Shurulinkov, P., Velkov, S., Hristova, I. Daskalova, G., Ralev, A., 2007. Ungewöhniche Anzahlen der Bergente Aythya marila im Februar 2006 entlang der bulgarischer Küste. — Ornithologishe Mitteilungen, 59 (1): 28—29.
Georgiev, D., Angelov, I., Daskalova, G., Stoychev, S., 2007. Isabelline wheatear Oenanthe isabellina. — In: Iankov, P. (ed.) Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Conservation series, book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 442—443. [PDF]
Georgiev, D. Angelov, I., Dereliev, S., Daskalova, G., 2007. Red-footed falcon Falco vespertinus. — In: Iankov, P. (ed.) Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Conservation series, book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 178—179. [PDF]
Стойчев, С., Петров, Ц., Демерджиев, Д., Тончев, Б., Даскалова, Г., Стойнов, Е., 2007. Царски орел Aquila heliaca Imperial Eagle. — В: Янков, П. (отг. ред.) Атлас на гнездещите птици в България. Българско дружество за защита на птиците. Природозащитна поредица, Книга 10. БДЗП, София, 164—165.
Стефанов, Т., Даскалова, Г., Стойчев, С., Николов, С., Митев, И., 2007. Чухал (Otus scops) Scops owl. — В: Янков, П. (отг. ред.), Атлас на гнездящите птици в България. Българско дружество за защита на птиците Природозащитна поредица, книга 10. БДЗП, София, 322—323.
Петров, Ц., Тончев, Б., Демерджиев, Д., Даскалова, Г., Стойнов, Е., Куртев, М., 2007. Скален орел Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle. — В: Янков, П. (отг. ред.) Атлас на гнездещите птици в България. Българско дружество за защита на птиците. Природозащитна поредица, Книга 10. БДЗП, София, 166—167.
Даскалова, Г., Иванов, Б., Бърова, С., Стефанов, Т., 2007. Испанско врабче (Passer hispaniolensis) Spanish sparrow. — В: Янков, П. (отг. ред.), Атлас на гнездящите птици в България. Българско дружество за защита на птиците, Природозащитна поредица, книга 10. БДЗП, София, 598—599.