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Станимира Делева [публикации]

Kolev, M., Acosta-Pankov, I., Toshkova, N., Deleva, S., 2024. Acoustic study of urban bat diversity in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 46 (10): 273—284. doi:10.48027/hnb.46.103

Deleva, S., Chaverri, G., 2018. Diversity and Conservation of Cave-Dwelling Bats in the Brunca Region of Costa Rica. — Diversity, 10, 43. doi:10.3390/d10020043

Ivanov, A., Deleva, S., Georgieva, M., Orozova, D., 2017. A Conceptual Model of a Virtual Collaboration Space for Bat Scientists. — Proceedings of The 18Th International Conference On Computer Systems And Technologies — Compsystech’17, 96—102. doi:10.1145/3134302.3134308

Deleva, S., Georgiev, D., 2015. Quantitative comparison of the complexes of terrestrial arthropods (Arthropoda) in two caves, located in different karst regions in Western Rhodopes Mountains. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 21: 257—266. [PDF] doi:10.5281/zenodo.4043833

Stoycheva, S., Pavlova, A., Russo, D., Deleva, S., Atanassov, T., 2014. Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Besaparski Ridove Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), Southern Bulgaria: Species List, Distribution and Conservation. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, Suppl. 5: 213—220.

Deleva, S., Mollov, I., Fidanova, V., Mechev, A., 2014. Species Diversity and Distribution of Amphibians and Reptiles in Nature Park 'Sinite Kamani' in Stara Planina Mt. (Bulgaria). — Ecologia Balkanica, 6 (2): 83—92.

Georgiev, D., Yankov, L., Stoycheva, S., Deleva, S., Zhelev, P., Pavlova, A., Zagorska, M., 2009. New localities of Quaternary Fossil Bears (Ursus sp. L.) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Ursidae). — ZooNotes, 8: 1—4.

Deleva, S., Georgiev, D., 2009. Data on the environmental conditions and diversity of the animal ecological groups in Gargina Dupka Cave. — Ecologia Balkanica, 1: 1—4.

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