Citations of ‘Spassov N., Iliev N., Hristova L., Ivanov V. 2018Typology of Thracian horses according to osteological analysis of skeletal remains and depictions from the antiquity — Historia naturalis bulgarica 25: 15–24’
[1] Comşa A. 2019 Interacţiunile dintre călăreţi şi caii lor în pre-şi protoistoria României. O abordare interdisciplinară. ISTROS 25: 63–124.
[2] Gudea A., Martonos C., Cosma C., Stan F. 2022 Morphological Characteristics of a Horse Discovered in an Avar-Period Grave from Sâncraiu de Mureș (Alba County, Romania). Animals 12 (4): 478.
Additional self-citations: 1
[1] Nishita Y., Amaike Y., Spassov N., Hristova L., Kostov D., Vladova D., Peeva S., Raichev E., Vlaeva R., Masuda R. 2023 Diversity of mitochondrial D‐loop haplotypes from ancient Thracian horses in Bulgaria. Animal Science Journal 94 (1): e13810.