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Research article

Националният природонаучен музей и природозащитата в България [National Museum of Natural History and the protection of nature in Bulgaria]

Златозар Боев [Zlatozar Boev]

31 December 1991 · volume 4 · pp. 78–86 · PDF [full text]

Abstract: [no abstract available originally]

[Summary]: A considerable part of research and popular work of the Museum collaborators is related to the conservation of nature. The main directions in this field are: studies on distribution, biology and life history of some rare and endangered species of plants and animals; flora and fauna inventory in the protected territories (national parks, nature reserves, protected sites); preparing of scientifically grounded proposals for the protection of new nature objects, and the enlargement of these as well; investigations on the bioindicatory significance of some groups of plants and animals; participation in the preparation of “Red Registers” (“Red Lists”), and “The Red Data Book”, vols. 1-2 of Bulgaria; studies on the industrial air pollution and its influence on the arboreal flora, etc.

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