Чавдар Каров [Chavdar Karov]
31 December 1996 ·
volume 6 · pp. 3–9 ·
PDF [full text]
Abstract: [no abstract available originally]
[Summary]: The oldest specimens in the mineral collection of the National Museum of Natural History can be found in the first catalogue of the museum published in 1907. Up to 1950 the collection consists of 420 specimens of 60 species. The more important specimens and collections, received during this period are mentioned. This collection increases most intensively from 1974 till now. There are 2948 specimens of 210 species which are collected in Bulgaria (until the end of 1993). They include holotypes of the newly discovered mineral species — Strashimirite, Kostovite, Balkanite, Hemusite, Bonchevite, Ardaite, Orpheite. The most numerous is the regional collection from Madan metal mines, which contains 1071 specimens. Among them Galena druses dominate, 414 in number; Sphalerites are 235. These two main minerals are characterised shortly according to published data and personal researches. The next collection in size is that of calcites gathered in ‘Sumensko Kladentche’ section of ‘Tcherveno Zname’ mine, Bourgass region. They are 110 in number, and the slab crystals have unique dimensions reaching a diameter of 35 cm. Another big collection, around 90 numbers, is that from the Kremikovtsi ore deposit, Sofia region. After the survey of the three biggest collections from the ore deposit, some more significant collections of non-metalliferous minerals are examined. They are grouped in a descending line of their origin. The number and the variety of species of zeolite minerals are analysed. The main deposits of scarne and pegmatite origin are outlined. Some rarer mineral species, found in them, are mentioned.