Nikolai Spassov; Elshad Askerov; Assen Ignatov; Ilya Acosta-Pankov
4 February 2021 ·
volume 42 · [
issue 1] · pp. 1–3 ·
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Abstract: The article presents new data on the status of the jungle cat (Felis chaus) in Azerbaijan, a species from the Red Data Book of Azerbaijan.
Keywords: Azerbaijan, Felis chaus, Transcaucasia
References [7]
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Cite as
Spassov N., Askerov E., Ignatov A., Acosta-Pankov I. 2021 New data on the status of the jungle cat (Felis chaus Schreber, 1777) in Azerbaijan. Historia naturalis bulgarica 42: 1–3.
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