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New data on the rare snail Soosia diodonta (A. Ferussac, 1821) (Gastropoda: Helicodontidae) in Bulgaria

Ivaylo Dedov https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4445-359X; Dilian Georgiev https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2885-4895; Ulrich E. Schneppat; Fabia Knechtle Glogger

29 June 2021 · volume 42 · [issue 9] · pp. 59–64 · PDF [full text]

Abstract: In the present article, we summarised all known information on the species Soosia diodonta (A. Ferussac, 1821) from Bulgaria. A new locality in urban environment, photos of live animals and the reproductive system of the species are given. New information on its ecology and biology is provided.

Keywords: biology, Bulgaria, distribution, ecology, Soosia diodonta

References [10]

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Cite as

Dedov I., Georgiev D., Schneppat U. E., Knechtle Glogger F. 2021 New data on the rare snail Soosia diodonta (A. Ferussac, 1821) (Gastropoda: Helicodontidae) in Bulgaria. Historia naturalis bulgarica 42: 59–64.

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