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Staff publications

Chavdar Karov [publications]

Kostov-Kytin, V., Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., Nikolova, R., 2020. New investigations on the columbite from Vishteritsa locality, Western Rhodopes. — Comptes rendus de l’Acade ́mie bulgare des Sciences, 73 (5): 657—665. [PDF]

Каров, Ч., Петрусенко, С., 2012. Авторски минераложки образци от фондовете на Националния природонаучен музей при Българската академия на науките, използвани в научни публикации. — Сп. БГД, 73: 143—151. [PDF]

Petrussenko, S., Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2009. The mineralogical exhibition of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia (Bulgaria) —120 years of its establishment. — ProGEO NEWSLETTER, 3: 5—7.

Petrussenko, S., Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2008. The mineralogical exposition of the National Museum of Natural History — Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. — Mineralogical Museums. Saint-Petersburg, pp. 91—92.

Петрусенко, С., Каров, Ч., Димитров, И., 2008. Минераложката експозиция на Националния природонаучен музей при Българска академия на науките. — Сп. БГД, 69 (1—3): 97—100. [PDF]

Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2006. A catalogue of the mineral species in the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia (part 3) — Borates; Phosphates, Arsenates and Vanadates; Wolframates and Molybdates; Sulphates, Selenites and Tellurites; Chromates; Carbonates; Nitrates and Iodates; Organic minerals. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 17: 5—26. [PDF] doi:10.5281/zenodo.4043236

Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2004. A catalogue of the mineral species in National Museum of Natural History (Sofia) — (part 2) — (Silicates). — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 16: 7—45. [PDF] doi:10.5281/zenodo.4043140

Арнаудов, В., Петрусенко, С., Каров, Ч., 2004. Еволюция на турмалинообразуването в палеозойски пегматити от Софийското и Ихтиманското Средногорие. — Юбилейна научна сесия — 90 г. на акад. Иван Костов. Минерогенезис, 2004: 18—19.

Petrussenko, S., Karov, Ch., 2003. The Vitosha minerals. — Minno Delo i Geologia Journal, 8: 23—27.

Арнаудов, В., Петрусенко, С., Каров, Ч., 2003. Шерл, фоитит и дравит в пегматити от метаморфната мантия на Планския плутон, Югозападна България. — Геох., минер. и петрол., 40: 97—107.

Karov, Ch., Petrussenko, S., 2002. Published authors’ specimens from the funds of the National Museum of Natural History — Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. — Second International Symposium, Mineral diversity — research and preservation. Abstracts. Earth and Man National Museum. Sofia. 2. 10.

Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2002. A catalogue of the mineral species in the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia. (Part 1). Native Elements, Sulphides and Sulphosalts, Oxides and Hydroxides, Halogenides. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 15: 5—29.

Arnaudov, V., Petrussenko, S., Karov, Ch., 2002. Buergerite in pegmatites from the Plana Cretaceous Pluton, Westеrn Bulgaria. — Геох., минер. и петрол., 39: 75—80.

Karov, Ch., 2000. Mineral composition of pegmatite types in Vitosha pluton. — First International Symposium, Mineral diversity — research and preservation. Earth and Man National Museum. Sofia: 15.

Каров, Ч., Петрусенко, С., Генов, Ил., Стоянов, Д., 1997. Нови находки на пренит в България. — В: Юбилеен сборник ‘50 години специалност геология’ Университетско и-во ‘Св. Кл. Охридски’: 60—62.

Karov, Ch., Petrussenko, S., 1996. Prenite of two pegmatite localities from Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 97—103.

Karov, Ch., 1995. Bulgarian mineral collections and specimens in the fund of the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of sciences. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 6: 3—9.

Petrussenko, S., Karov, Ch., 1993. Tennantite from the pegmatites of Vitosha. — Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 46: 79—80.

— 18 publications
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