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Historia naturalis bulgarica
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Volume 11 (2000) (contents)
Full text:
— 30 September 2000
Петър Берон на 60 години [Petar Beron at sixty years of age]
Владимир Бешков [Vladimir Beshkov]
pp. 6–8
— views: 52
Събития и дати в живота на Петър Берон [Events and dates in the life of Petar Beron]
Петър Берон [Petar Beron]
pp. 9–15
— views: 51
Таксони, наречени на името на Петър Берон [Taxa, named after Petar Beron]
Алекси Попов [Alexi Popov]
pp. 16–24
— views: 75
Type material of Isopoda (Crustacea: Oniscidea, Anthuridea) from the collections of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia
Stoitze Andreev; Fani Bozarova
pp. 25–32
— views: 79
The zooplankton from some lakes and ponds in North Albania with different size and altitude
Dimitar Kozuharov
pp. 33–37
— views: 55
Поздравление по случай 110-годишнината на Националния природонаучен музей [Letter of congratulation for the 110th anniversary of the National Museum of Natural History]
Цар Симеон II [Zar Simeon II]
p. 38
— views: 43
Aperçu sur le genre Trichoniscus en Bulgarie et description d’une nouvelle espèce — Trichoniscus garevi n. sp. (Isopoda, Oniscidea)
Stoitze Andreev
pp. 39–46
— views: 94
Scorpions (Arachnida, Scorpiones) from the Balkan Peninsula in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia
Victor Fet
pp. 47–60
— views: 67
Cheiridiidae H. J. Hansen (Arachnida; Pseudoscorpiones), a new family for the fauna of Bulgaria
Boyan Petrov
pp. 61–64
— views: 48
Studies on Erythraeoidea (Acari: Prostigmata) from Africa. I. The genera Cecidopus and Caeculisoma from Nigeria (Erythraeidae: Callidosomatinae)
Petar Beron
pp. 65–72
— views: 62
Ground-beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) collected by Dr Petar Beron from the Chinese Karakorum
Borislav Guéorguiev
pp. 73–80
— views: 64
Contribution to the Bulgarian ground-beetles fauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae). I. A genus and seven species, new for the country
Borislav Guéorguiev; Jan Muilwijk
pp. 81–83
— views: 47
Еколого-физиологични изследвания на пингвини — принос на българските антарктически проучвания [Eco-physiological investigations of penguins — a contribution to Bulgarian Antarctic research]
Румяна Мечева [Roumiana Metcheva]
p. 84
— views: 36
On the presence of Agrotis ripae (Hubner, [1823]) in Balkan Peninsula (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae)
Stoyan Beshkov
pp. 85–95
— views: 78
Седми международен симпозиум по неуроптерология, 6–9 август 2000, Будапеща [Seventh International Symposium on Neuropterology, 6–9 August 2000, Budapest]
Алекси Попов [Alexi Popov]
p. 96
— views: 36
Hornpanzeranomalien bei den Landschildkröten (Testudo gracca ibera und Testudo hermanni boettgeri) in Bulgarien
Andrei Stojanov
pp. 97–105
— views: 49
Четвърти международен конгрес по брахиоподи, 10–14 юли 2000, Лондон [Fourth International Congress on Brachiopoda, 10–14 July 2000, London]
Неда Мочурова-Декова [Neda Motchurova-Dekova]
p. 106
— views: 49
Early Pleistocene and Early Holocene avifauna of the Cherdzhenitsa Cave, Northwestern Bulgaria
Zlatozar Boev
pp. 107–116
— views: 54
New data on bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from the Eastern Rhodopes, Greece (Thrace, Evros)
Teodora Ivanova
pp. 117–125
— views: 71
Книга за птичия свят на Родопите [A book about the bird life of the Rhodopes]
Златозар Боев [Zlatozar Boev]
p. 126
— views: 43
New chorological data on the Bulgarian higher flora
Dimitar Dimitrov; Vasil Vutov
pp. 127–131
— views: 50
Александър Простов (1926–2000) [Alexandar Prostov (1926–2000)]
Петър Берон [Petar Beron]
p. 132
— views: 42
Freshwater molluscs (Mollusca: Gastropoda and Bivalvia) from the Srebarna Lake, Northeastern Bulgaria
Angel Angelov
pp. 133–138
— views: 62
Red list and threat status of Bulgarian macromycetes
Melania Gyosheva; Violeta Fakirova; Cvetomir Denchev
pp. 139–145
— views: 34
Bulgarian Mycological Society
Cvetomir Denchev
p. 146
— views: 54
Десет години Historia naturalis bulgarica [Ten years of Historia naturalis bulgarica]
Алекси Попов [Alexi Popov]
pp. 147–159
— views: 65
70 години от рождението на д-р Николай Илиев — ветеринар, краевед, археозоолог [70th anniversary of Dr Nikolai Iliev — a veterinarian, local lore researcher, archaeozoologist]
Златозар Боев [Zlatozar Boev]
p. 160
— views: 55
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National Museum of Natural History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences