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— 29 May 1997
Stuart-Baker’s collection of birds in the National Museum of Natural History (Sofia)
Zlatozar Boev

pp. 5–12

— views: 93
Contribution à l’étude des Isopodes terrestres de Gréce. 6. Cordioniscus kalimnosi n. sp. (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Styloniscidae)
Stoitze Andreev

pp. 13–16

— views: 55
Poecilimon belasicensis nom. nov. (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae)
Alexi Popov

pp. 17–18

— views: 41
Contribution to the study of the ground-beetle fauna of Osogovo Mountain (Bulgaria). II. Morphological and taxonomic investigations of the genus Molops Bonelli (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini)
Borislav Guéorguiev

pp. 19–27

— views: 109
Птиците от римското селище Арбанас-1 край Перник [The birds from the Roman settlement Arbanas-1 near Pernik]
Златозар Боев [Zlatozar Boev]

p. 28

— views: 88
A new short-winged beetle species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Osogovo Mt. (Bulgaria)
Ivan Raitschev

pp. 29–30

— views: 90
Neuroptera, Raphidioptera and Mecoptera from Macedonia with two new records of Chrysopidae
Alexi Popov

pp. 31–33

— views: 44
Проучвания върху безгръбначната фауна на високопланинската безлесна зона на Народния парк Централен Балкан [Investigations on the invertebrate fauna of high mountain woodless zone of Central Balkan National Park]
Алекси Попов [Alexi Popov]

p. 34

— views: 55
Neue Daten über die syrische Schaufelkröte (Pelobates syriacus balcanicus Kar.) in Bulgarien (Amphibia: Anura: Pelobatidae)
Andrei Stojanov

pp. 35–39

— views: 59
Национални конференции по ентомология [National conferences on entomology]
Алекси Попов [Alexi Popov]

p. 40

— views: 90
Somatometrische und verhaltensbiologische Untersuchungen an jungen griechischen Landschildkröten — Testudo hermanni hermanni Gmel. (Reptilia: Chelonia: Testudinidae)
Andrei Stojanov

pp. 41–58

— views: 55
Late Pleistocene birds of Karlukovo, Bulgaria
Jiri Mlikovsky

pp. 59–60

— views: 53
Костни останки от диви и домашни животни от праисторическото селище “Телиш-Редутите” при с. Телиш (Плевенско) [Bone remains of wild and domestic animals from the Telish-Redoutite prehistoric settlement near Telish (Pleven district)]
Георги Рибаров; Златозар Боев [Georgi Ribarov; Zlatozar Boev]

pp. 61–70

— views: 96
Late Wurm Panthera pardus remains from Bulgaria: the European fossil leopards and the question of the probable species survival until the Holocene on the Balkans
Nikolai Spassov; Dimitar Raychev

pp. 71–96

— views: 94
Пренит от две пегматитови находища в България [Prenite of two localities from Bulgaria]
Чавдар Каров; Светослав Петрусенко [Chavdar Karov; Svetoslav Petrussenko]

pp. 97–103

— views: 81
Срещи и изложби на минерали в НПМ [Meetings and exhibitions of minerals in the National Museum of Natural History]
Чавдар Каров [Chavdar Karov]

p. 104

— views: 50
The Alagoas (Eastern-Brazil Razor-Billed) Curassow Mitu mitu (L.) — a World rarity in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia (Aves: Galliformes: Cracidae)
Zlatozar Boev

pp. 105–108

— views: 68
Evidences for a late pleistocene isolation and a separate taxonomic status of the Mediterranean brown bear and the conservation value of the Balkan bear population
Nikolai Spassov

pp. 109–113

— views: 58
Нова библиография за разред Trichoptera [A new bibliography on the order Trichoptera]
Красимир Кумански [Krassimir Kumanski]

p. 114

— views: 73
В памет на Бернхард Курциус [In memory of Bernhard Kurzius]
Надя Огнянова-Руменова [Nadja Ognjanova-Rumenova]

pp. 115–120

— views: 159

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