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Ana Nahirnić-Beshkova
Ana Nahirnić-Beshkova

Ana Nahirnić-Beshkova

phone: (+359) 89 6869601, (+381) 69 1227987; e-mail:

Born on: 27 December 1987, Kruševac, Serbia.

Education: Faculty of Biology, University in Belgrade; Bachelor Biologist (2010); MSc Ecologist (2012); speciality: entomology, ecology.

Research interests

Taxonomy, faunistics, biogeography and ecology of Zygaenidae; faunistics of butterflies and Psychidae of the Balkan Peninsula.

Specialisations and international cooperation

Research guest visits in Zygaenidae collection in Tiroler Landesmuseen, Ferdinandeum Naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Innsbruck, Austria, during 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 (11 weeks)
Research guest in Zygaenidae collection in National Museum of Natural History in Sofia in 2014 (2 weeks)
Research guest in Zygaenidae collection in Natural History Museum in London 2015 (2 weeks)
Research guest in Zygaenidae collection in Museum Witt München and Zoologische Staatssammlung München in 2015 (1 month)
Research guest in Zygaenidae collection in Nature Museum Bolzano in 2017 (7 weeks)

Field research

Albania (2016—2019), Bosnia & Herzegovina (2017), Bulgaria (2013—2015, 2018—), Greece (2016—2019), Montenegro (2011—2017, 2019), North Macedonia (2010, 2015—2019), Serbia (2005—), Turkey (2018).


The Zygaenidae of the Balkan Peninsula (ODINS — Österreichische Digitalisierungsinitiative naturkundlicher Sammlungen: Südostwind)
Zygaena purpuralis complex (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) (Synthesys: Berlin, Budapest, Prague, Vienna)
Biodiversity of the green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in Serbia (RP BioDiv CHRYSER 2015—2016)


SEL — Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica

Most recent publications

Georgiev, D., Beshkov, S., Nahirnić-Beshkova, A., 2024. New records of Psocoptera (Insecta) from Albania, Bulgaria and Serbia. — Acta Entomologica Serbica, 29 (1): 33—36. doi:10.5281/zenodo.12607975 [PDF]

Beshkov, S., Nahirnić-Beshkova, A., Jakšić, P., 2024. Contribution to knowledge of the Balkan Lepidoptera III. — Ecologica Montenegrina, 73: 226—287. doi:10.37828/em.2024.73.21 [PDF]

Nahirnić-Beshkova, A., Danyik, T., Vassilev, K., Toshova, T. B., Beshkov, S., 2023. Phlomis tuberosa L. (Lamiaceae) Confirmed as a Host Plant of Paracossulus thrips (Hübner, 1818) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in Bulgaria, with Notes on Habitats and Recommendations of a Survey Method. — Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 75 (2): 259—264. [PDF]

Бешков, С., Нахирнич-Бешкова, А., 2023. План за действие за опазване на пеперудата бяло-V (Nymphalis vaualbum) в България за периода 2024—2033 г. — Министерство на околната среда и водите, София, 116 стр., [PDF]; [резюме PDF], 33 стр.; [приложения PDF].

Бешков, С., Нахирнич-Бешкова, А., 2023. План за действие за опазване на пеперудата Paracossulus (Catopta) thrips (Hübner, 1818) в България за периода 2024—2033 г. — Министерство на околната среда и водите, София, 118 стр., [PDF]; [резюме PDF], 33 стр.; [приложения PDF].

Nahirnić-Beshkova, A. Beshkov, S., Jakšić, P., 2022. New records of rare butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in Albania. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 44 (10): 109—115. [PDF] doi:10.48027/hnb.44.101

Beshkov, S., Nahirnić-Beshkova, A., 2022. Paracossulus thrips (Hübner, 1818) (Cossidae) and Lignyoptera fumidaria (Hübner, 1825) (Geometridae) — two Lepidoptera genera new for Serbia with a review of the distribution of these two Habitats Directive species in the Balkan Peninsula. — Ecologica Montenegrina, 51: 65—80. doi:10.37828/em.2022.51.8 [PDF]

Бешков, С., Нахирнич-Бешкова, А., 2022. План за действие за опазване на тигровата пеперуда (Euplagia quadripunctaria) в България за периода 2022—2031 г. — МОСВ, София, 84 стр. [PDF]

Plant, C. W., Beshkov, S., Jakšić, P., King, A., Nahirnić-Beshkova, A., 2021. First report of Acasis appensata (Eversmann, 1842) in Serbia with an examination of the genus Acasis Duponchel, 1845 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) on the Balkan Peninsula. — Acta Entomologica Serbica, 26 (1): 31—40. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5008943 [PDF]

Nahirnić-Beshkova, A., Toshova, T. B., Beshkov, S., 2021. New Data for the Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) from the Sakar Mountain, Bulgaria. — Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. [PDF]

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