Research interests
Distribution, biology and ecology of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera);
Caves and cave fauna of Bulgaria, Balkan Peninsula and China;
Fauna of the high mountains in the world;
Herpetology — distribution and biology of amphibians and reptiles (Amphibia and Reptilia);
Taxonomy and zoogeography of the false scorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones).
Professional experience
Expert on bats, amphibians, reptiles and cave fauna in more than 50 projects for biodiversity assessments in the national parks, reserves, protected areas and NATURA 2000 sites in Bulgaria.
Manager of national and international projects on bat’s ecology and protection.
Consultant of governmental institutions, non governmental organizations, popular magazines and on-line editions.
Appraiser of projects in the field of biodiversity research and management of protected territories.
Author of many assessments, statements, instructions, project reports, popular papers and travel notes.
Experienced public speaker and presenter.
Member of the Access Commission at the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation (UIAA).
Member of the Advisory Committee of the Agreement of the Conservation of Bats in Europe (EUROBATS).
Coordinator of the Bat Research and Conservation Center at the National Museum of Natural History.
Current projects
National Monitoring of Bats in Bulgaria- Executive Environmental Agency, National Museum of Natural History, Enterpise for Management of Environmental Protection Activities (2015).
We are not alone on the crags — Balkani Wildlife Society (2014—2015).
Management plan of protected area ‘Devetashkata Cave’ — Green Balkans (2013—2014).
Mapping and identification of conservation status of natural habitats and species — Lot No. 5 Bats — Consortium Natura Bulgaria, Dicon Group Ltd, Agriconsulting S.p.A, Ministry of Environment and Water (2011—2013).
Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of SCI Strandzha BG0001007 — EcoInnovation, Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (2012).
Environmental Impact Assessment, Appropriate Assessment and Monitoring Scheme for bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) along NABUCCO pipeline in Bulgaria — Geo Marine Centre, Penspen (2010—2012).
Monitoring of bat populations in Bulgaria — Executive Environmental Agency, National Museum of Natural History, Ministry of Environment and Waters (2008—2010).
Appropriate Assessment of Bulgaria’s National Renewable Energy Action Plan — part Bats. POVVIK AD (2010).
Strategical Environmental Review of wind power development in Bulgaria — POVVIK AD (2010).
Ecology, behaviour and population genetics of the forest living Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii) in Bulgaria, Balkan Peninsula and Caucasus — Swiss National Science Foundation/SCOPES Program, University of Zurich, University of Novi Sad, Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories Krasnodar, Field Researchers Union Campester (2006—2009).
Research on bats in Madan municipality, Western Rhodopes Mountain — Association of Parks in Bulgaria (2008—2009).
International Bat Nights — EUROBATS (2008—2015).
Bats and Environmental Impact Assessments — BBI MATRA, Dutch Mammal Society (VZZ), Romanian Bat Protection Association (2007—2008).
Criteria for accessing the Favourable Conservation Status of 13 species of bats in Bulgaria and two natural underground habitats — Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (2007—2008).
Establishment and optimisation of NATURA 2000 Network in Bulgaria — Ministry of Environment and Waters, Central Laboratory for General Ecology (2007—2008).
Population structure and ecology of the endangered forest-living Bechstein’s bat in its glacial refuge, the Bulgarian-Turkish Strandja Mountains — National Geographic Society Research Fund, University of Zurich, Trakya University Edirne (2006—2007).
First investigation of the ‘milieu souterrain superficiel’ (MSS) in Bulgaria: comparative analysis of the fauna of silicate and limestone MSS environments based on selected invertebrate animals — National Science Fund (2006—2009).
Restoring Ecological Networks across Transport Corridors in Bulgaria — BBI MATRA, ALTERRA Wageningen, Central Laboratory for General Ecology, Institute of Zoology (2006—2008).
Research on the false scorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of the Rhodopes Mountain: Species composition, distribution and ecology — NMNHS (2000—2010).
Cave fauna of the Western Rhodopes, Pirin and Slavyanka: Species diversity, distribution, and conservation (2000—2012).
Expedition experience
Member and leader of research and mountaineering expeditions in Kazakhstan (1990), France, Spain and Italy (1992—2015), Greece (2000, 2006—2015), Turkey (2000, 2006—2009), Romania (2000), Karakoram (Pakistan, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2014, 2017), Himalayas (Nepal, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017; Pakistan, 2016), Pamir (Kirghizia, 2003; Tajikistan, 2010), Andes (Argentina, 2004), Alaska (USA, 2004), Caucasus (Russia, 2004), Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, 2007), Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania (2009), China (2011, 2013).
Mountain climber with 22 summits above 5000 m (16400 ft):
2017 — Dhaulagiri (8167 m) in Nepal
2017 — Gasherbrum-2 (8035 m) in Pakistan, 2009 — up to 8030 m
2016 — Nanga Parbat (8126 m) in Pakistan
2016 — Makalu (8485 m) in Nepal
2016 — Annapurna I (8091 m) in Nepal
2015 — Manaslu (8163 m) in Nepal (first Bulgarian accent)
2014 — K2 (8611 m) in Pakistan (first Bulgarian accent), 2005 — up to 8200 m
2014 — Broad Peak (8047 m) in Pakistan, 2001 — up to 7300 m
2014 — Kangchenjunga (8586 m) in Nepal (first Bulgarian accent)
2010 — Ismoil Somoni (7495 m) in Tajikistan
2010 — Korzhenevskaya (7105 m) in Tajikistan
2009 — Gasherbrum-1 (8068 m) in Pakistan (first Bulgarian accent)
2009 — Margherita (5109 m) in Uganda
2009 — Mount Kenya (5199 m) in Kenya up to 5100 m
2009 — Kilimanjaro (5895 m) in Tanzania
2007 — Khan Tengri (6995 m) in Kazakhstan
2004 — Elbrus (5642 m) in Russia
2004 — Denali (6195 m) in the USA
2004 — Aconcagua (6962 m) in Argentina
2003 — Lenin (7134 m) in Kirghizia
2001 — Demavend (5671 m) in Iran
2000 — Ararat (5137 m) in Turkey
Caver and biospeleologist with more than 450 caves and potholes in Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Croatia, Kosovo, Turkey, Romania, Montenegro and China, explored between 1990 and 2015.
Interview for FORBES Bulgaria (May 2015) [PDF, In Bulgarian].
Interview for National Geographic Bulgaria (February 2015) [PDF, In Bulgarian].
Risk Takers National Geographic Bulgaria (May 2013) [PDF, In Bulgarian].