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Staff publications

Nikolai Spassov [publications] (6)

Peshev, T., Spassov, N., 1985. Mouse-tailed doormouse. Myomimus roachi bulgaricus Rossolimo, 1976. — In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals, Publ. House of the Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., p. 140.

Peshev, D., Spassov, N., Gerasimov, S., 1985. On the karyotype of the Weasel — Mustela nivalis L., 1766 (Mammalia, Mustelidae) from Bulgaria. — Zool. Anz., Jena, 215 (3/4): 156—158.

Spiridonov, G., Mileva, L., Spassov, N., Simeonov, P., 1983. Nesting ornitofauna of the Boatin Nature Reserve. — Proceedings of the International Symposium Man and Mountain Ecosystems. MAB Programme, Vratsa, National Committee of People’s Republic of Bulgaria, MAB, MAB-UNESCO, t. 2: 83—90.

Spassov, N., Bozkov, D., 1983. Rapport sur le lion de caverne et le lion de l’antiquite aux Balkans et en Bulgarie. — European Regional Conference on Speleology, Sofia, Proceedings, vol. I.: 228—233.

Spiridonov, G., Spassov, N., Milleva, L., 1982. New data for the distribution of Teugmalm’s owl and Ural owl in Bulgaria. — In: National Theoretical Conference on Preservation and Reproduction of the Environment, 1—5 November 1982. Sofia, Bulg. Acad. Sci., pp. 341—343.

Spassov, N., 1982. Fossils of the Alpine ibex and the Giant Deer in Bulgaria and the function of the Giant Deer antlers. — Priroda, Sofia 5: 21—27.

Spassov, N., 1982. The ‘Bizarre’ dorsal plates of the stegosaurs: Ethological Approach. — Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 3: 367—370.

Spassov, N., 1982. Evolution and distribution of Steppe polecat and the Western polecat (Mustella putorius). — Priroda, Sofia, 6:32—39.

Spiridonov, G., Spassov, N., 1981. A Location of the Teugmaln’s owl (Aegolius funereus L.) in the Balkan Range. — Ornithological Bulletin, Zool. Inst., Bulg. Acad. Sci., 10: 30—32.

Spassov, N., 1980. Does the stoat inhabit Bulgaria? — Priroda, Sofia, 3: 96—98.

Боев, Н., Спасов, Н., 1980. 'Снежният човек' — между шума на евтината сензация и научната истина. — Природа и знание, 2: 13—15. [PDF]

Spiridonov, G., Spassov, N., Mileva, L., 1979. A new sighting of the Ural owl. — Ornithological Bulletin, Zoological Inst. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 6: 22—25.

Spassov, N., 1979. Sexual selection and the evolution of horn-like structures of Ceratopsian dinosaurs. — Palaeontology, Stratigraphy, Lithology, 11: 37—48.

Spassov, N., 1979. Sexual selection and evolution of intraspecific display means in baboons (Primates, Cercopithecidae). — Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 32 (2): 225—228.

Spassov, N., 1978. Sexual selections and evolution of intraspecifc means in some baboon species (Primates). — II Congresus Theorilogicus Internationalis. Abstracts of papers. Brno.

— 265 publications
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