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Simple colour schemeredorangey redreddish orangeorangeorangey yellowyellowgreenish yellowyellowish greenslightly yellowish greengreenvery slightly bluish greenbluish greenvery strongly bluish greengreen-blue or blue-greenvery strongly greenish bluevery slightly greenish bluebluevioletish bluebluish violetvioletbluish purplepurplereddish purplestrongly purplish redslightly purplish redcolourlessgreyblack
Colour change garnet — specimen 0272, photo © NMNHS
Colour change garnet — specimen 0272, photo © NMNHS

Colour change garnetspecimen 0272


East Africa
Madagascar, Toliara, Androy, Bekily
Colour change garnet — specimen 0272, locality map

Weight: 0.51 ct; size: 4.98 | 4.20 | 2.98 mm; shape: oval; colour: medium dark very strongly bluish green; very slightly greyish; clarity: eye clean; cut: very good; treatment: none.

Very clean specimen; very good mixed style cut. The colour change is mainly caused by relatively high amounts of vanadium (Schmetzer & Bernhardt, 1999). Source: David Weinberg, Multicolour Gems Ltd.

Other specimens
Colour change garnet — specimen 0120

More information from ‘Classification’

A variety of garnet from the pyrope-spessartine series with mixed composition. Exhibits colour change in daylight and in artificial light.