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Some exceptional specimens of gemstones from our ‘Repository’


The section ‘Repository’ contains data and photos of 760 specimens of gemstones. The smallest is just 1.96 mm (0.02 ct) ruby from Mozambique, and the largest — 70.11 mm (326.60 ct) rock crystal from Africa.

Additionally there are 8 specimens of synthetic stones.

More specimens of gemstones

Agate — specimen 0393Agate — specimen 0393

Weight: 2.53 ct; size: 14.24 | 7.90 | 3.14 mm; shape: marquise; colour: dark reddish orange. Clean specimen; very good cabochon style cut.
Malaia garnet — specimen 0398Malaia garnet — specimen 0398

Weight: 0.13 ct; size: 3.02 | 2.98 | 1.94 mm; shape: round; colour: light orange; strong. Very clean specimen; good brilliant style cut. Source: David Weinberg, Multicolour Gems Ltd.
Malaia garnet — specimen 0399Malaia garnet — specimen 0399

Weight: 0.20 ct; size: 3.51 | 3.47 | 2.21 mm; shape: round; colour: medium light strongly purplish red; slightly brownish. Very clean specimen; good brilliant style cut. Source: David Weinberg, Multicolour Gems Ltd.
Andesine — specimen 0410Andesine — specimen 0410

Weight: 0.42 ct; size: 4.99 | 4.94 | 3.24 mm; shape: round; colour: medium red; strong. Very clean specimen; good mixed style cut. Source: David Weinberg, Multicolour Gems Ltd.

— Produced by regional or contact metamorphism of magnesium carbonate, mafic, or ultramafic rocks (Anthony et al., 2001—2005). Faceted specimens are extremely rare.

Specimen figured

Actinolite — specimen 0075weight: 1.48 ct; shape: oval. Very clean specimen; mixed style cut; good polish. Source: John Bradshaw, Coast to Coast Rare Stones International.
Actinolite — specimen 0075