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Diamond — specimen 0599, photo © NMNHS
Diamond — specimen 0599, photo © NMNHS

Diamondspecimen 0599


no precise locality [Africa]

Weight: 0.04 ct; size: 2.18 | 2.16 | 1.37 mm; shape: round; colour: colourless; clarity: VVS1; cut: very good; treatment: none.

Very clean specimen; very good brilliant style cut. Source: David Weinberg, Multicolour Gems Ltd.

Other specimens
Diamond — specimen 0314Diamond — specimen 0315

More information from ‘Classification’

Primarily formed in pipes, less commonly in dikes, of deep-seated, igneous origin, composed of kimberlite or lamproite, and in alluvial deposits formed by their weathering. In carbonaceous achondrite and iron meteorites; may be formed by impact (Anthony et al., 2001—2005). Famous diamonds: Golden Jubilee, 545.67 carats, the largest polished gem, cut by Gabriel Tolkowsky, now part of the crown jewels of Thailand, resides in Bangkok; Cullinan I, also known as the Great Star of Africa, it weights 530.2 carats and is mounted in the Sceptre with Cross, part of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom; Koh-i-Noor, currently 105.60 carats, resides with the rest of the crown jewels, too; the Black Orlov Diamond, also known as the Eye of Brahma Diamond, 67.50 carats.