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Calcite — specimen 0433, photo © NMNHS
Calcite — specimen 0433, photo © NMNHS

Calcitespecimen 0433


Central Asia
Calcite — specimen 0433, locality map

Weight: 1.45 ct; size: 10.99 | 4.69 | 3.44 mm; shape: octagon; colour: colourless; clarity: eye clean; cut: fair; treatment: none.

Very clean specimen; radiant style cut.

Other specimens
Calcite — specimen 0192Calcite — specimen 0254

More information from ‘Classification’

A major rock-forming mineral; in limestones, marbles, a common cement in sedimentary rocks, and as gangue in hydrothermal veins; in alkalic to mafic igneous rocks; common as speleothems in caves (Anthony et al., 2001—2005). There are specimens of 4440 carats (Arem, 1987: 60).