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Публикации на персонала

— База данни на публикации на персонала на Националния природонаучен музей, София
[3829 публикувани заглавия]

Най-новите публикации

Boev, Z., 2025. Woodland Birds from Neolithic Settlements in Bulgaria. — Diversity, 17, 107. doi:10.3390/d17020107 [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2025. Birds from Chalcolithic Settlements in the Plains of Bulgaria. — Quaternary, 8, 10: 1—11. doi:10.3390/quat8010010 [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2025. Animal remains from the Monastery of Chargubilya Mostich in Veliki Preslav (10—12th c. AD) — NE Bulgaria. — ZooNotes, 255: 1—4. doi:10.69085/zn20250255 [PDF]

Боев, З., 2025. Мечката — заплаха или дивеч? — Лов и риболов, 1: 56—59. [PDF]

Vergilov, V., Zlatkov, B., 2024. Morphology of hemipenes and its taxonomic implication in the fused eyelids species of the genus Ablepharus (Squamata: Scincidae). — Zoologischer Anzeiger, 312: 79—91. doi:10.1016/j.jcz.2024.07.009 [PDF]

Undjian, E., Nankinov, D., Darakchiev, A., Petrov, T., Apostolov, A., Boev, Z., 2024. Avifauna of the Sandanski-Petrich Valley (Blagoevgrad Region, SW Bulgaria) after data from the Rupite Ornithological Station (1976—1978). — Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Plovdiv, 9: 1—38. [PDF]

Petrova, V. D., Lyuncheva, M., Iliev, I., Yaneva, M., Nikolov, V., Vitezovic, S., Zidarov,P., Mitov, K., Hadzhipetkov, I., Taneva, S., Boev, Z., Fidanoska, A., Hristova, I., Marinova, E., 2024. Archaeological excavations at a Late Neolithic pit site near the village of Hadzhidimitrovo, Yambol region. — In: Alexandrov, St. (Ed.). Archaeological Rescue Еxcavations along the Trakia Motorway Route, LOT 1 — 4. Part I. Prehistory, Bulged, Sofia, 7—94. (in Bulgarian, English summary). [PDF]

Kostova, R., Borissov, S., Bobeva A., Bekchiev, R., 2024. At a crossroads: Genetic lineages and dispersal routes of Morimus asper (Sulzer, 1776) s.l. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria. — Biodiversity Data Journal, 12: e116619. doi:10.3897/BDJ.12.e116619

Kolev, M., Acosta-Pankov, I., Toshkova, N., Deleva, S., 2024. Acoustic study of urban bat diversity in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 46 (10): 273—284. doi:10.48027/hnb.46.103

Ignatov, A., 2024. Long-term trend and population density of the Little Owl (Athene noctua) in Bulgaria. — North-Western Journal of Zoology, 20 (1): 65—72.

Iankov, P., Boev, Z., 2024. Atanasovsko Lake (Black Sea Coast, Bulgaria) — a new European breeding site of the Greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus Pallas, 1811). — Larus, 59: 163—167. [PDF]

Hubenov, Z., 2024. Species Composition, Vertical Distribution and Areographical Structure of the Family Tachinidae (Diptera) in Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 76 (1): 49—70. [PDF]

Hubenov, Z., 2024. Species Composition and Distribution of the Mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Bulgarian Sector of the Black Sea. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 76 (2): 159—176. [PDF]

Georgiev, D., Beshkov, S., Nahirnić-Beshkova, A., 2024. New records of Psocoptera (Insecta) from Albania, Bulgaria and Serbia. — Acta Entomologica Serbica, 29 (1): 33—36. doi:10.5281/zenodo.12607975 [PDF]

Daskalova, G., Shurulinkov, P., Klisurov, I., Angelov, I., Demerdzhiev, D., Petrov, R., 2024. Observations on the behavior of the saker falcon (Falco cherrug) breeding in Bulgaria. — Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa”, 67 (1): 153—165. [PDF]

Boev, Z., Nedyalkov, N., Georgiev, D., Spassov, N., 2024. Late Pleistocene birds and mammals from the Kiliite Cave (Central Stara Planina Mts — Central North Bulgaria). — Geologica Balcanica, 53 (1) : 105—115. [PDF]

Boev, Z., Manev, A., Harizanov, A., Dedov, I., 2024. Archaeozoological material from the Late Antique fortified settlement near the modern-day town of Dimovo, northwestern Bulgaria. — Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology, 14 (2): 217—233. [PDF]

Boev, Z., Bautista, J., 2024. Golden Eagle Paleosubspecies. Around the World, with Emphasis on the Balkan Peninsula. — In: Bautista, J., Ellis, D. (eds). The Golden Eagle Around the World. Biology and Conservation the Golden Eagle Around the World. Hancock House Publishers Ltd, Surrey, Canada, 22—27. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. Quaternary record of Eagles (Aquilinae Gadow, 1893 — Accipitriformes Vieillot, 1816) and Falcons (Falconidae Leach, 1819 — Falconiformes Sharpe, 1874) in Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 76 (4): 561—569. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. Quaternary history of vultures (Accipitridae Vieiilot, 1916) in Bulgaria — fossil and subfossil records. — Larus, 59: 105—116. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. Past distribution of the White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla (Linnaeus, 1758)) in Bulgaria — subfossil record. — Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, 77 (5): 669—675. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. One Hundred and Thirty-Five Years of Ornithology in Bulgaria: The Role of the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in the Development of Ornithology in Bulgaria—Representatives, Collections and Achievements. — Diversity 2024, 16, 284. doi:10.3390/d16050284 [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. New locality of the invasive Monk parakeet Myiopsitta monachus (Boddaert, 1783) in Greece. — ZooNotes, 240: 1—4. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. Images of birds on the ancient floor mosaics from Bulgaria from an ornithological aspect: Species, origin and trade (2nd — 6th c. AD). — In: Topalilov, I. (Ed.). XVI Conference of the Association Internationale pour I’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique AIEMA, Sofia 2024. Mosaics between East and West: Common traits, differences, exchanges, 14—20 October 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria. Abstracts. 73. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. Eberhard Undzhiyan. A bio-bibliography of a distinguished Bulgarian ornithologist on the occasion of his 90th birthday. — Rousse Regional Museum of History. Proceedings, 28: 458—483. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. Dr. Petar Iankov — a talented and dedicated researcher and conservator of birds in Bulgaria. Biobibliography on the occasion of his 70th anniversary. — Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Plovdiv, 9: 1—37. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. Birds and people in Medieval Bulgaria: Review of the subfossil record of birds during the First and Second Bulgarian Empires. — 2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group Meeting . Sofia, 02.—06.10.2024. Book of Abstracts, 11. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. Biobibliography of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simeon Simeonov on occasion of his 90th anniversary of birth. — Bulletin of the Natural History Museum — Plovdiv, 9: Online First: 1—19. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2024. Animal remains from the Late Byzantine settlement (4th-7th c. AD) Gradishteto near Gabrovo City (CN Bulgaria). — ZooNotes, 250: 1—3. doi:10.69085/zn20240250 [PDF]

Beshkov, S., Nahirnić-Beshkova, A., Jakšić, P., 2024. Contribution to knowledge of the Balkan Lepidoptera III. — Ecologica Montenegrina, 73: 226—287. doi:10.37828/em.2024.73.21 [PDF]

Angelov, I., Ragyov, D., Stoyanov, G., Koychev, V., Tonchev, B., Shurulinkov, P., Demerdzhiev, D., Stoynov, E., Dimchev, I., Gradinarov, D., Hristov, H., Dobrev, D., Arkumarev, V., Vassilev, V., Klisurov, I., Dobrev, V., Kurtev, M., Yotsova, T., Daskalova, G., Nikolov, B., Stoychev, S., Profirov, L., Iankov, P., Petrov, T., 2024. Status of the Golden Eagle in Bulgaria. — In: Bautista-Rodríguez, J., Ellis, D. H. (eds). The Golden Eagle around the world. Hancock House Publishers.

Angelov, I., 2024. Exceptionally Low Proportion of Adult Pairs and Male-Skewed Adult Sex Ratio in a Declining Population of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos (L., 1758) (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae). — Acta zoologica bulgarica. [PDF]

Хубенов, З., 2024. Инвазивните мекотели във водите на България. — Природа — БАН, 1: 46—58. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2024. Сърната — тази стара благодетелка. — Лов и риболов, 9: 66—69. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2024. Рисът като … дивеч. — Лов и риболов, 12: 66—69. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2024. Пъдпъдъкът — най-дребният ни древен дивеч. — Лов и риболов, 8: 64—67. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2024. Птиците в средновековното българско изкуство. — Обучение по природни науки и върхови технологии, 5—6: 375—383. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2024. Противоположни птици. — Природа, БАН, 2: 102—107. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2024. Полската яребица — важна в миналото и днес. — Лов и риболов, 3: 64—67. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2024. Лиската — ценена повече в древността като ловен обект. — Лов и риболов, 5: 66—69. [PDF]