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Георги Попгеоргиев [публикации]

Kostova, R., Bekchiev, R., Popgeorgiev, G., Kornilev, Y. V., 2023. First exhaustive distribution and habitat modelling of Morimus asper (Sulzer, 1776) sensu lato (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria. — Nature Conservation, 53: 39—59. doi:10.3897/natureconservation.53.104243

Vergilov, V., Tzankov, N., Kornilev, Y., Popgeorgiev, G., 2022. Ecology of the small Snake-eyed Skink Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833) in a NW Bulgaria population. — The North-Western Journal of Zoology, 18 (1): 40—46. [PDF]

Gerdzhikov, G., Plachiyski, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Avramov, S., Demerdzhiev, D., Daskalova, G., Shurulinkov, P., 2022. White-backed (Lilford’s) Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi Sharpe & Dresser, 1871: Distribution and Population Density in Bulgaria. — North-Western Journal of Zoology 18 (1): 65—70. Article No.: e211601. [PDF]

Dobrev, D., Dobrev, V., Hristova, P., Popgeorgiev, G., Demerdzhiev, D., Plachyiski, D., 2022. Long-term changes in a Pygmy Cormorant Microcarbo pygmaeus wintering population in Southern Bulgaria. — Acta Ornithol., 57: 143—154. doi:10.3161/00016454AO2022.57.2.003 [PDF]

Demerdzhiev, D., Dobrev, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Stoychev, S., 2022. Landscape alteration affects the demography of an endangered avian predator by reducing the habitat quality. — Avian Research, 13, Article 100030. doi:10.1016/j.avrs.2022.100030 [PDF]

Plachiyski, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Avramov, S., Kornilev, Y., 2020. Habitat selection of “Мad Cocks” of the Western Capercaillies Tetrao urogallus (Galliformes: Phasianidae) from the fringe of the range: A case study from Rila Mts. (Bulgaria). — Ecologia Balkanica, 12 (1): 155—169.

Naumov, B., Popgeorgiev, G., Kornilev, Y., Plachiyski, D., Stojanov, A., Tzankov, N., 2020. Distribution and Ecology of the Alpine Newt Ichthyosaura alpestris (Laurenti, 1768) (Amphibia: Salamandridae) in Bulgaria. — Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 72 (1): 83—102.

Kornilev, Y., Lukanov, S., Pulev, A., Slavchev, M., Vacheva, E., Vergilov, V., Mladenov, V., Georgieva, R., Popgeorgiev, G., 2020. The Alien Pond Slider Trachemys scripta (Thunberg in Schoepff, 1792) in Bulgaria: Future Prospects for an Established and Reproducing Invasive Species. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 72 (4): 571—581.

Shurulinkov, P., Hubenov, Z., Beshkov, S., Popgeorgiev, G. (eds), 2019. Biodiversity of the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Lower Danube. — Nova Publishers, New York, 441 pp.

Popgeorgiev, G., Naumov, B., Kornilev, Y., Vergilov, V., Slavchev, M., Lukanov, S., Dyugmegdzhiev, A., Stoyanov, A., Dobrev, D., Tzankov, N., 2019. Diversity and Distribution of Amphibians and Reptiles in the Bulgarian Part of the Lower Danube. — p. 283—314.

Demerdzhiev, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Dobrev, D., Arkumarev, V., Terziev, N., 2019. Habitat Requirements of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina Brehm, 1831 (Aves: Accipitridae) at the Southern Periphery of the Distribution Range (Southeast Bulgaria). — Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Suppl. 14: 35—65. [PDF]

Zhelev, Z. M., Tsekov, A. G., Popgeorgiev, G. S., Angelov, M. V., Boyadzhiev, P. S., Stefanov, T. R., 2018. Ichthyofauna in the Lower Course of the Sazliyka River, Southern Bulgaria: Composition, Diversity, Seasonal Dynamics and Conservation Significance. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 70 (3): 331—338.

Plachiyski, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Avramov, S., Boev, Z., 2018. The Balkan Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus rudolfi Dombrowski, 1912 (Galliformes: Phasianidae): Distribution History and Current Status in Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 70 (1): 101—111. [PDF]

Petkov, N., Iliev, M., Popgeorgiev, G., 2018. Ornithological Survey and Evaluation of Potential Natura 2000 sites in Macedonia. — Technical report under Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia (PZP), 42 pp. [PDF]

Nedyalkov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Staneva, A., 2018. Updated distribution of the elusive Roach’s mouse-tailed dormouse, Myomimus roachi Bate, 1937 (Mammalia: Rodentia: Gliridae) in Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 29: 3—8. doi:10.48027/hnb.29.01001

Kornilev, Y. V., Popgeorgiev, G., Vacheva, E., Tzankov, N., 2018. First records of melanism (including in tail bifurcation) of lacertid lizards (Reptilia: Lacertidae) in Bulgaria. — North Western Journal of Zoology, 14 (1): 142—144.

Янков, П., Петков, Н., Плачийски, Д., Рътарова, В., Василев, В., Попгеоргиев, Г., 2018. Помагало за определяне и опазване на птици в горите. — БДЗП, Природозащитна поредица, Книга 35. БДЗП, София. 203 с.

Stefanov, T., Popgeorgiev, G., 2017. Distribution patterns and conservation status of the species from genus Alburnoides (Pisces, Cyprinidae) in Bulgaria. — Proceedings ISEM7, 69—76.

Koynova, T., Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Naumov, B., Natchev, N., 2017. A new distribution record of the Kotschy’s Gecko (Mediodactylus kotschyi) from inland north-eastern Bulgaria. — Herpetology Notes 01/2017: 10: 1—2. [PDF]

Цанков, Н., Стоянов, А., Добрев, Д., Луканов, С., Корнилев, Ю., Андонов, К., Вергилов, В., Попгеоргиев, Г., 2017. Trachemys scripta (Thunberg in Schoepff, 1792). — стр. 110—113. В: Тричкова, Т., Владимиров, В., Томов, Р., Тодоров, М. (ред.): Атлас на инвазивните чужди видове от значение за Европейския съюз, ИБЕИ-БАН, ESENIAS, София, 176 стр. [PDF]

Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Avramov, S., Plachiyski, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Gerdzhikov, G., Angelova, K., 2016. Action plan for the Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) in Bulgaria (2016—2025). — Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, Sofia, 57 pp.

Чешмеджиев, С., Попгеоргиев, Г., Петров, Ц., Корнилев, Ю., Спасов, С., Стойчев, С. (ред.), 2016. Белият щъркел в България през 2014 — 2015 г. — БДЗП, Природозащитна поредица, книга 31. София, с. 60. [PDF]

Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Kornilev, Y., Petrov, B., Zidarova, S., Stefanov, T., 2015. Sofia. — In: Kelcey, J. (ed.), Vertebrates and Invertebrates of European Cities: Selected Non-Avian Fauna. Springer New York, 179—206.

Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Kornilev, Y., Natchev, N., Stoyanov, A., Naumov, B., Ivanchev, I., 2015. First survey on the invasive Pond slider (Trachemys scripta) in Bulgaria: historic development and current situation. — Hyla, 2015: 18—27. [PDF]

Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., 2015. Conservation and declines of Amphibians in Bulgaria. — Amphibian Biology, Volume 11 Part 4: Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: Eastern Hemisphere: Southern Europe & Turkey, Edited by Harold Heatwole, John W. Wilkinson, 01/2015: chapter Conservation and declines of Amphibians in Bulgaria: 131—139.

Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Avramov, S., Plachiyski, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Gerdzhikov, G., Angelova, K., 2015. Action plan for the White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) in Bulgaria (2016—2025). — Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, Sofia, 73 pp.

Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Stojanov, A., Naumov, B., Westerström, A., Dyugmedziev, A., Kornilev, Y., 2014. Diurnal and seasonal activity patterns in viperid snakes (Serpentes: Viperidae) in Bulgaria. — 38 p. 4th Biology of the Vipers conference, Athens, Greece, 10th—13th October, 59 pp.

Цанков, Н. Д., Попгеоргиев, Г. С., Наумов, Б. Я., Стоянов, А. Й., Корнилев, Ю. В., Петров, Б. П., Дюгмеджиев, А. В., Вергилов, В. С., Драганова, Р. Д., Луканов, С. П., Вестерстрьом, А. Е., 2014. Определител на земноводните и влечугите в природен парк Витоша. — Дирекция на Природен парк Витоша, София, 248 с. [PDF]

Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., 2014. Conservation and declines of Amphibians in Bulgaria. — In: Heatwole, H., Wilkinson, J. W. (eds): Amphibian Biology Volume 11: Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: Eastern Hemisphere Part 4: Southern Europe and Turkey. Pelagic Publishing, Chapter 51: 131—139.

Slavchev, M., Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., 2014. Impact of fires on spatial distribution patterns of the Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in a heavily affected area in Bulgaria. — Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Supplement 1: 135—138.

Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., Kornilev, Y. V., Plachiyski, D., Naumov, B., Stojanov, A., 2014. Changes in agri-environmental practices pose a threat to the herpetofauna: a case study from Besaparski Ridove Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), southern Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplement 5: 157—169.

Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., Kornilev, Y. V., Naumov, B., Stojanov, A., 2014. Amphibians and Reptiles in Ponor Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), western Bulgaria: species diversity, distribution and conservation. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplement 5: 85—96. [PDF]

Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., Kornilev, Y., 2014. Spatial niche segregation among the viperid snakes (Serpentes: Viperidae) in Bulgaria. — 10 p. 4th Biology of the Vipers conference, Athens, Greece, 10th—13th October, 59 pp.

Nikolov, S. C., Kornilev, Y., Popgeorgiev, G., Stoychev, S., Georgiev, B., 2014. Challenges for Habitat and Species Conservation in the Natura 2000 Network, Bulgaria: an Overview from Two Special Protection Areas. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplement 5: 3—8. [PDF]

Dobrev, V., Popgeorgiev, G., Plachiyski, D., 2014. Effects of the Common Agricultural Policy on the Coverage of Grassland Habitats in Besaparski Ridove Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), Southern Bulgaria. — Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplement 5: 147—155.

Demerdzhiev, D., Dobrev, V., Popgeorgiev, G., 2014. Effects of habitat change on territory occupancy, breeding density and breeding success of Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus Cretzschmar, 1927) in Besaparski riodove special protection area (Natura 2000), Southern Bulgaria. — Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Suppl. 5: 191—200. [PDF]

Плачийски, Д., Демерджиев, Д., Попгеоргиев, Г., Петков, Н., Корнилев, Ю., 2014. План за действие за опазване на малкия корморан (Phalacrocorax pygmeus) в България (2014—2023 г.). — БДЗП-МОСВ, София: 98 с.

Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Kornilev, Y., Natchev, N., 2013. Predicting potential invasive species in Bulgaria using GIS — key study on aquatic turtles. — 4th ESENIAS (South and East European Network on Invasive Alien Species) workshop: International Workshop on IAS in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Areas in ESENIAS Region, 16—17 December 2013, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey, 22.

Tzankov, N. D., Popgeorgiev, G. S., Grozdanov, A. P., 2013. Spatial niche segregation among three Lacertid taxa living in close proximity in Bulgaria. — 17th European Congress of Herpetology, Programm & Abstracts, Veszprém (Hungary), 22—27 August 2013: 300.

Tzankov, N. D., Popgeorgiev, G. S., 2013. Present situation and conservation measures for Hermann’s (Testudo hermanni boettgeri Mojsisovics, 1889) and Spur-thighed (Testudo graeca ibera Pallas, 1814) tortoises in Bulgaria. — International workshop on the management and restoration of Hermann’s tortoise populations and habitats. Abstracts, Le Luc-en-Provence (France), 18, 19 & 20 septembre 2013: 23.

Slavchev, M., Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., 2013. Impact of fires on the spatial distribution patterns of the Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni). — International Conference ‘Bioscience — development and new opportunities’ — Kliment’s days, Faculty of Biology, Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, 20th — 22nd November 2013.

Popov, V., Popgeorgiev, G., Plachiiski, D., Nedialkov, N, Todorov, O., 2013. First results from agro-biodiversity monitoring on conventional and organic agroecosystems. — Agrarni nauku, 4 (12): 79—89.

Popgeorgiev, G. S., Tzankov, N. D., 2013. The effects of fires of different ages on the demographic structure of a population of Hermann’s (Testudo hermanni boettgeri Mojsisovics, 1889) and Spur-thighed (Testudo graeca ibera Pallas, 1814) tortoises in Eastern Rhodopes Mountains, Bulgaria. — International workshop on the management and restoration of Hermann’s tortoise populations and habitats. Abstracts, Le Luc-en-Provence (France), 18, 19 & 20 septembre 2013: 10.

Natchev, N., Kornilev, Y., Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., 2013. Considerations on the potential conflicts between some invasive American aquatic turtles and native Emys orbicularis — analysis of the feeding behaviour. — 4th ESENIAS (South and East European Network on Invasive Alien Species) workshop: International Workshop on IAS in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Areas in ESENIAS Region, 16—17 December 2013, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey, 18.

Slavchev, М., Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., 2012. Species diversity in relation to habitats diversity. — Младежка научна конференция ‘Климентови дни’ 22—23 ноември, 2012, сборник статии, 3: 20.

Kamburova-Ivanova, N., Koshev, Y., Popgeorgiev, G., Ragyov, D., Pavlova, M., Mollov, I., Nedialkov, N., 2012. Effect of Traffic on Mortality of Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals on Two Types of Roads Between Pazadzhik and Plovdiv Region (Bulgaria) — Preliminary Results. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 64 (1): 57—67.

Nikolov, S., Demerdzhiev, D, Popgeorgiev, G., Plachiyski, D., 2011. Bird community patterns in sub-Mediterranean pastures: the effects of shrub cover and grazing intensity. — Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 34.1: 11—21. [PDF]

Naumov, B., Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Stoyanov, A., Kornilev, Y., 2011. The Dice snake (Natrix tessellata) in Bulgaria: a contribution to the morphology and chorology. — Mertensiella, 18: 288—298.

Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., Naumov, B., Kornilev, Y. V., Stojanov, A., 2010. Species diversity of amphibians and reptilians in the special protected area ‘Ponor’. — 122 p. Northwestern Bulgaria. Annual zoological congress of ‘Grigore Antipa’ Museum, 17—19 November 2010, Bucharest — Romania, 132 pp.

Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., Kornilev, Y. V., Naumov, B., Stojanov, A., 2010. Species diversity of amphibians and reptiles in the special protected area ‘Besaparski Ridove’, southern Bulgaria. — Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, special edition (Second Balkan conference of biology 21—23 may 2010, Plovdiv, 50 years university of Plovdiv), 24: 661—666. [PDF]

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